Prospects School Site Council
Meeting dates are listed below:
September 25th 2:30 pm Click here to join the meeting
October 24th 2:30 pm Click here to join the meeting
December 11th 3:30 pm Click here to join the meeting
What is School Site Council?
The School Site Council is a team comprised of the school principal, teachers, other staff and parents and/or community members and, in high schools' students participate on the team.
• School Site Council members are elected, with teachers electing teachers, parents electing parents, and students electing students.
• The School Site Council looks at student data and school information, identifies student needs and areas for improvement, and participates in the creation/revision of the Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).
• The SPSA is the schools’ plan or blueprint for activities that will be carried out to improve the school and student achievement. The plan outlines the specific activities and the funding, either Title I or LCFF which will be utilized.
• The School Site Council also monitors the plan to see that the actions have occurred; the funding spent and evaluates the activities at the end of the school year.