Aeries Parent Portal

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What is Aeries?
It is an online program that enhances student success in the classroom by giving students, teachers, and parents online access to information about attendance, grades, and assessments.
What are some features of a parent portal?
Online gradebooks: View your child’s progress for each class they are enrolled in by checking their test scores, late/missing assignments, overall grade, and more.
Attendance: Weekly and monthly attendance breakdowns will show how often your child is absent or tardy to school.
Families: Have access to all of your children's information in one location, even if they are at different sites within the district.
How do I set up a parent account?
You only need to create a parent portal login once and you can add multiple students to your account. In order to create your account for the first time, you will need the following:
Parent email (once your account is created, you will need to verify your account through email)
Primary phone number
Student ID number
Student Verification Code (this can be provided by your child's school site)
Review step by step instructions here: Written Portal Instructions (English and Spanish)
Video Tutorials of Parent/Student Portals
Need Help?
Contact your student's school for updates, login information or if you are in need of assistance.
Forget your AERIES Password?
Navigate to the Parent portal and click the forgot password link on the page.