Welcome to AUSD!

New Teacher Orientation and Information for New Hires for the 2024-2025 School Year

Antioch Unified School District hosts three full days of orientation for all new hires. Our goal is to familiarize all new staff members to the AUSD way and ensure that everyone feels confident and comfortable in their new teaching positions with us! Whether this is your very first year as a teacher or if you are a seasoned and experienced educator who has recently joined the AUSD team, we are committed to creating a community of practice that is supportive, meaningful and beneficial for everyone. Below is specific information for our first two days together. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Amy Bettencourt, Director of Educational Services at amybettencourt@antiochschools.net or (925) 779-7500 ext. 43211.

New Teacher Orientation Day 3: Monday January 6, 2025

Day 3 is a virtual session. Below is a draft of the schedule and details will be added no later than Monday 12/2. Please check back regularly for updates.

**Dual Immersion Teachers will report to Fremont Elementary School on 1/6 for a full day of DI specific training.

NTO Day 3 Agenda

8:15-8:30am Welcome/Introductions/Overview of the Day

8:30-9:45am Session One Break Out

9:45-10:00am Break

10:00-11:15am Session Two Break Out

11:15-12:00pm Closing Session with AEA

12:00-1:00pm Lunch

1:00-3:00pm Collaboration and Preparation